Nick Vujicic - No Arms No Legs No Worries

Last week when I was watching the television swapping channels one by one I came across a program called Carnival.Its a program that shows miscellaneous things like man biting snake , sky scrapper climbers like that .In that episode they covered the story (not story but real life) of a person called Nick Vujicic. He was taking a motivational class for school students.Whats different then ? there are lot of motivational speakers.
The real difference lies in his physique. He is a man born with a rare Tetra-amelia disorder.Limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, and having one small foot with two toes protruding from his left thigh. Other than this hes a healthy man.
In the show he was telling students how he had overcame the hardships to reach this level. Nick grew extremely depressed, and started contemplating suicide by the age of eight.He showed how difficult for him to get up after falling down.Despite of these hardships he earned a Bachelor's Degree in both Financial Planning and Accounting.He bacame financially independent at the age of 25.He started a non Profit Organization called Life Without Limbs .He had enveloped his life as a messages that relate to and encourage students through topics that challenge today's teenagers.

If a man with such disorder can do a lot more than that we can do , surely we have to be ashamed. The story of Nick is like the polar star that leads fisherman in the sea. We are not not even attempting things what we can do. We are still in our limits and always worries about this.

"Motivation gets you through the day, but inspiration lasts a lifetime." - Nick

For books and other stuff related to Nick click here>.


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4 Motives

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June 17, 2009 at 10:24 PM delete

oh yeah, first time saw his video in youtube, i cried. it's so touching!

June 18, 2009 at 12:45 PM delete

I've watched him too once!

great "BIG" guy!

June 22, 2009 at 6:29 AM delete

Every time I see this video, I cry. It's so touching & motivational.

March 21, 2010 at 6:38 PM delete

I saw him speak at a concert
He's brilliant. He's really funny, but his words are also very moving. Absolutely incredible.
